We are sustainability

Job service follows a strict sustainability policy.

Much effort is put into reducing timber waste and optimizing the fall down by converting them into revenue all the time using simple and cost-effective methods.

The waste management process starts by procuring raw material with exact specifications as per the production requirement to reduce wastage arising from the cut offs.

Our waste consists of Sawdust, small and medium size timber cut offs.

The sawdust and small pieces of timber will be crushed, thereafter a low emission Glue will be added to the mixture and then passed into a compression mold, resulting in compressed Saw dust blocks of the required specifications that is used in the production of pallets.

The sawdust blocks have a higher density than the conventional solid wood block and lesser occurrence of cracks.

Due to its clean finish and sustainability, it is fast becoming preferred.

The Medium size timber cut offs are put into a shaving machine that produces wood shavings that will be used as horse beddings in the stables. The horse shavings are baled and marketed within the UAE.

The UAE hosts the world cup for Horse racing and is home and breeding station to many award – winning race and endurance horses.

The sawdust and small pieces of timber will be crushed, thereafter a low emission Glue will be added to the mixture and then passed into a compression mold, resulting in compressed Saw dust blocks of the required specifications that is used in the production of pallets.

Advantages compress pallet

  • Better nailretention
  • High Density
  • No cracking
  • Less water absorption
  • No mould or damage by insects
  • Sustainability and recyclable properties
  • ISPM 15 Compliant

Your Bedding Choice Directly Impacts theHealth and Performance of Your Horse

Our manufacturing process is exclusive to Royal Horse Bedding. Employing multiple dust extraction stations and aspiration of the wood shavings to specific sizing for easy picking. I’m confident you will find that Royal Horse Bedding will not only meet your needs, but surpass your expectations. Your choice of horse bedding directly impacts the health of your horses and their

environment. We take our horse bedding seriously, and we’re glad you do too! Our pellets are manufactured to higher standards than other pellets on the market. We use only kiln-dried pine shavings.



Overall, horse bedding absorbency is important to ensure that horses remain dry. Unabsorbed ammonia from urine can accumulate in a stall and irritate horses’ eyes and respiratory tracts. Fine shavings and sawdust will produce a higher absorbency than medium or large wood shshavings. The trade-off, however, is that they may have more dust. Also, kiln-dried wood shavings tend to be more absorbent and feature a lower moisture content.



When looking for optimal horse bedding suppliers, it is important to evaluate how consistent the product quality and size are.
If you prefer medium wood shavings, for example, you do not want to have some bags that mix different sizes of shavings, which will minimize the advantages of medium shavings (minimal dust, beautiful look).



Premium-quality wood shavings made of soft wood offer exceptional cushioning for horses. Typically, medium and large wood shavings will provide superior support for horses’ hooves and cushioning for their joints.


Ease Of Use

Horse bedding should be easy to use. Wood shavings are very easy to clean, store and transport. Finer wood shavings make it easier to sift manure from clean bedding than larger wood shavings. Horse pellets require additional training to learn how to properly muck ou



Some horse owners prefer larger, fluffy wood shavings for their beauty, softness and airy-like appearance. However, above and beyond appearances, make sure that your horse bedding is consistent and high quality, meaning that it is made of first-transformation wood (no glue or varnish wood (no glue or varnish residues) and free from wood sticks or other debris



Discerning horse owners understandably want quality and consistency from one bag to the next. However, product availability is even more important. The last thing you want is to choose horse bedding that is not readily available all all year long in your area or is too costly to deliver.


Good Packaging

Horse bedding must come in quality, heat-sealed packaging that is made of durable, waterproof plastic and is properly compressed. If not, the packaging might be ripped, jeopardizing the quality of your horse bedding. Make sure that your horse bedding supplier offers practical sizes for easy storage.


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